Higham Crest

Higham Family Web

418 Floyd



Clan Column







Reunion Info


No login needed, just click on an album and view.

 Use the search capacity to bring up a set of photos.  Use slide show to watch them. 

Need more help? Ask Jack

Photo Gallery old





July 7, 2023:  Reunion Tomorrow!  24 attending, all Higham ReunionCommon ancestors, Ray and Mary Seubert HighamSee details in Reunion Info link at the left.

May 25, 2023:  Six weeks (and 2 days) until Reunion 2023!! 
Look for the email recently sent with all of the details.  Family Group Heads send your registration reply NOW.

As registrations come in, the Reunion Info page will be updated.  Check it for who is attending and what to bring.

August 15, 2022:  July 9, 2022, Verona Beach State Park Reunion... an All Curtiss Resounding Success! 

Pictures are available in the Photo Gallery in the 2022 Family Reunions AlbumYou will note the album contains the complete up to date genealogical list of reunion attendance, captioned photos of the group, and more than 40 candid shots.  If you have pictures you can share, send them along.  It also contains the Genealogical Relationship Chart that you can use to determine how you are related to another family member.

See new entry in Ancestors Album for the Krispy Kreme connection

July 6, 2022:  Three days to go!! 
Number attending now at 53.  An email list has been sent to all Family Group Heads.

June 26, 2022:  We have a Party!!  51 attending. This will be an all Curtiss Reunion (common ancestry)! 
See the complete attendance list, including regrets, and list of Dishes to Pass (menu)

11 sending regrets.

June 24, 2022:  41 Attending so far. 
Deadline Sunday, 6/26/22.  6 sending regrets

June 6, 2022:  34 attending so far. 
Check Reunion Info link at the left for details on attendance, menu items, celebrations, games, etc.

Tour of 418 Floyd Ave., Rome, NY.
Since meeting the current owner last Summer we have made a couple of visits to tour this magnificent Queen Anne homestead of the Higham family in the late 1800s. 

If you are interested in a tour
, let me know. 

We may be able to schedule one at the end of the July Reunion, or at some other convenient time.

May 30,2022: Family Reunion only 41 days away!

Have you replied with your intentions? 
Deadline is June 26, but let us know as soon as you can.

See Reunion Info link at the left for the latest on the reunion.

See Archives link for a complete history.


Facebook Friends:  It appears that many of our kinfolk are communicating regularly via Facebook.  As such the need for "chatter" on this website seems to be less.  We will continue to use this site to post reunion plans, reunion photos (in gallery), and any other info that is deemed appropriate, but use Facebook to keep in touch.  Be sure your are "friending" relatives so that you are in touch.


Jack Higham

